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Edu Bridge-Gateway

Lifetime Goals Exercise

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What are my lifetime goals?

Take two minutes to brainstorm and write down your lifetime goals in the provided text area. Think about all areas of your life, including personal, family, social, career, financial, community, and spiritual goals. Try to be comprehensive, capturing as many ideas as you can within the time limit. Remember, you're not committing to these goals right now, so feel free to include anything, even if it seems out of reach or aspirational.

Consider bold and imaginative goals like launching a creative project, visiting every continent, learning a new language, publishing a novel, volunteering for a cause, or running a marathon. Don’t hesitate to think big or jot down any fantasies.

When you're ready, start the timer and begin typing your goals. After the initial two minutes, you'll have an additional two minutes to review and refine your list.

Once you've completed your list, you can choose to share any goal you're comfortable with, but there's no obligation. Remember, these goals are personal, and you're welcome to keep them private if you prefer.

Step 1: List Your Lifetime Goals

